Board of Trustees

A seven member Board of Trustees governs the District. Each City within the District appoints one Board Member for a four-year term. The two remaining Board Members are elected from the District at large. These Board Members are elected in the municipal elections held in odd-numbered years. Elected terms are also for four years. Board terms are staggered to provide continuity.

The Board elects a Chair and Vice-Chair from its members to serve four-year terms. A General Manager who serves at the pleasure of the Board directs the day-to-day operations.

The Board has four standing committees: Audit, Personnel, Engineering, and Resource Recovery. The Audit committee has the responsibility for the direction of the audit. The Personnel and Engineering committees review and approve the annual budgets for their respective areas.

View Disclosures

Name Title Representing Term Expires Email Phone
Howard G. Burningham (elected) Chair District at Large 12/31/2025 801.652.8277
Mark W. Preece (appointed) Vice Chair West Bountiful 12/31/2028 801.739.6124
Kendalyn K. Harris (appointed) Trustee Bountiful 12/31/2025 801.897.3345
Brian J. Horrocks (appointed) Trustee North Salt Lake 12/31/2025 801.540.7886
Ryan T. Westergard (appointed) Trustee Woods Cross 12/31/2028 801.971.4741
Gina H. Hirst (appointed) Trustee Centerville 12/31/2027 801.232.4567
Leonard K. Arave (appointed) Trustee District at Large 12/31/2025 801.680.0745